Dedicated to supporting classic gaming, both old and new
Welcome to Dark Fiber Gaming!
We are an established community of gamers who enjoy classic, competitive gaming. With a new decade comes a brand new website. Forums have now been added so we can easily keep in touch with eachother and we invite you to come chat and hang out in our Discord server.

Quake Live
Quake Live is the Dark Fiber community’s bread and butter. We provide servers in most geographical regions such as the west, central, and east regions of the United States along with other areas like Frankfurt, Germany and Moscow Russia. We even have a small, but dedicated group of Quake players who play on our server in India! We do run servers for all the game modes but we primarily play free-for-all.
Watch Dark Fiber TVBlackwake
Blackwake has already turned out to be an instant hit within the community. Wage epic naval battles with up to 54 players per server. Currently there are three gamemodes: Fleet vs Feet, Capture The Booty, and Siege.
Blackwake Discord
Join us on Discord chat
We have our own Discord chat server that we use to hang out and organize games. Discord is a text and voice chat platform designed for gamers in the mordern era. Feel free to drop by and say hello!
Join Dark Fiber Discord Chat Server